Mittwoch, 13. Januar 2010

A view into the German chem.-industry. This is where I spend most of my time, synthesizing molecules not known before. In front you can see the oxydation of a carbon functionality by manganese(+7). Oldschool styled with phase-transfer catalysis by Aliquat 336.

Dienstag, 12. Januar 2010

This is Nauphoeta cinerea. It´s used to feed the frogs and spiders. It´s a fast breeder but seldom kept for these purposes, maybe because it´s a wall climber.

Montag, 11. Januar 2010

corrected Phrenology 2010

pink fish waiting for frop

Burgmansia inspired retro-Mayan plant-man hybrid for a technoparty in the end 90`s

Sonntag, 10. Januar 2010

A friend of mine from Boston at the Arecibo Observatory. Giving a phone call to three nearby starsystems. (GJ 83.1 ; Teagarden star SO 025300.5 + 165258 and kappa ceti) for the 35th anniversary of the Sagan-Drake-SETI-transmission.

Samstag, 9. Januar 2010

Eublaberus posticus my preferred cockroach for the Subgenius-Roachrace. They are extremly shy and fast and will always try to hide in the dark. This is also the way they are motivated to run thru the glastubes because the end of the course is shaded.

A view from the Lab into the garden

A batch of synthetic "Chilesalpeter" synthesized for to be used in their alchemistic preparations.
Twentyten is going to bring some new disgusting projects by Rev. Zupf also known as the Roling-Roach-Pope. lost in the forests of Thyringia in Germany. After the "Harald Juhnke Memorial Destillery" blew up last jear there are some Roach-Races planed to give our local russian community some known thrills. The last one at "Caleidospheres" showed that this competition has a huge potential to be the new Funsport of the comming decade. Could not belive it before but the Roaches can realy be trained to do the job! If you know the individuals doing it best you can realy win some money with it.